Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

The Sun Prairie Area School District has adopted Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports, (PBIS), to help create and maintain a positive school climate and an effective learning environment within its schools.  PBIS is a series of strategies designed to promote academic achievement and behavioral competence by teaching the expectations for appropriate behavior in all areas of the school environment.  By reducing behavioral interventions, PBIS creates an effective learning environment where teachers can teach and students can learn.

As part of the PBIS program, Westside Elementary has established four key behavior traits all students are expected to follow:

Respectful  ♦   Responsible   ♦   Safe  ♦   Trustworthy     

Classroom teachers and staff will be working throughout the year to familiarize students with these behavioral expectations and teach what is appropriate behavior within specific school settings for each of these expectations (classroom, hallways, cafeteria, bathroom and playground).  Each quarter we will focus on a different behavior trait which will include a celebration to reward students for their accomplishments towards positive behavior.             

Boy jumping rope during gym class