Any student who is NOT a Sun Prairie Area School District junior or senior rostered as SP West HS being their home or boundary school is considered a guest. This includes 9th and 10th graders of SPWHS, any SP East HS student, any PPA student with SP East as their boundary school, recently graduated students from any school, or any student from another district. ALL guests will need a completed and approved guest form to attend prom.
Guest forms will be available for pick up in the Front Office starting Friday, April 26th. Guest forms must be turned into the Front Office by Tuesday, May 7th at 1:30 pm to be considered. Late submissions will not be accepted for any reason.
TEACHERS and STUDENTS - NO PASSES shall be issued to allow students to turn in guest forms. Forms can be turned in: before school, during your assigned lunch and after school.
Your guest is approved unless you receive an email from administration stating they were not approved. This email will go out no later than Thursday, May 9th. There will be no refunds for guests who were not approved. Guests must arrive and stay with the SPWHS student who bought the tickets.
Guests must at least be enrolled in 9th grade and also be under the age of 21. Guests need to show a picture ID, and follow the school rules of Sun Prairie West High School.