Principal Welcome

Dear Prairie View Families,


Welcome to Prairie View Middle School.  Middle school is an exciting time for our students, their families, and our staff.  The middle level years are an important time for our students as they are experiencing a dramatic time of change - physically, socially, intellectually, and emotionally.  Middle level students are transitioning from childhood to adolescence.  During the middle level school years, our students will transition from one classroom to multiple rooms throughout the day!  This provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to work with different teachers and students who offer new perspectives and ideas.

Students at Prairie View Middle School have the opportunity to participate in many different experiences throughout their day.  Students will have a chance to experience what are often considered “core” classes, including math, literacy, science, and social studies as well as a variety of exploratory or elective classes.  Exploratory/elective classes include technology education, general music, art, family and consumer education, agriculture, physical education, computer skills, fitness and wellness, band, orchestra and choir.  After the regular school day, we have many clubs available, as well as, free bus service for students after school that normally ride the bus.  Our 7th and 8th grade students can also participate in extracurricular sports.

This is a wonderful time in your child’s life to experience many new and positive activities.  We want all students to be involved at the “View!”  We want and need you to be an active part of our school community.  Please join us to volunteer, attend assemblies, or join our SCO meetings.  We want you here to partner with us in your child’s education.

We look forward to a great year at Prairie View Middle School.

Please follow the Prairie View Middle School Facebook Page:


Michelle Jensen, Principal


Michelle Jensen

Michelle Jensen

Principal - Secondary
School: 6088347801
Emily Morehouse

Emily Morehouse

Associate Principal - Middle School
School: 6088347802