
Current Students and Alumni:


Sun Prairie High School (SPHS) has joined forces with Parchment to bring you a safe, paperless way to send transcripts directly to the colleges you choose. It’s easy, it’s secure, and it’s available 24/7.

Parchment will send out your official transcript checked and approved by SPHS to the colleges and scholarship funds you choose. Parchment will email you to confirm that your transcript has been sent. For the colleges that accept transcripts electronically, Parchment even confirms when the college receives them. There is fee per transcript sent electronically.

To register, click here.

After registering you are ready to use Parchment to send transcripts in a safe, paperless way to recipients you choose. It’s easy, it’s secure, and it’s available 24/7!

Requesting Transcripts:

Step 1:      Log in to Parchment with your email address and password.

Step 2:      Select the destination to receive your transcript. Pay your fee.  You will receive email confirmation that your order has been received, the transcript has been sent, and the transcript has been received.

Transcripts Steps to Follow

Annetta Wright, MS
School Counselor of Alternative Education (PPA, JEDI, GEDO)
(608) 834-6928
Google Voice: (608) 514-1650