Financial Aid
Financial Aid Night's Occur in the Fall during Sun Prairie High School's Wisconsin Education Fair evening session.
Key Financial Aid Vocabulary
FAFSA (Federal Application Form for Student Aid) A must first-step in the financial aid process. Students may begin the application after parents complete their tax forms no earlier than January. Applications are available in the guidance office or apply online for the free federal financial aid from required for federal based loans and other monies at post secondary schools. Students may begin applying for the FAFSA anytime after January 1.
College Board Online Scholarship Search A scholarship search from Collegeboard.
Fastweb This is the Internet's largest free scholarship service.
Funding Your Education This site contains publication, Funding Your Education, which is an introduction to Student Financial Assistance Programs and it explains how to apply for aid.
Guide to Studying in the USA A guide to studying in an American College for international students.
International Education Finance Corporation Student loans for study abroad.
Mapping-Your-Future A one-stop-shop for comprehensive information about college, financial aid, career, and financial literacy information.
The Student Guide The student guide is the most comprehensive resource on student financial from the U.S. Department of Education-Pell Grants, Stafford Loans, and PLUS loans and much more.