Adopted by the Administration: August 4, 2004
Revised by the Administration: March 12, 2007; December 14, 2009; September 22, 2010
IICC, School Volunteers; IICC-E, Code of Ethics for Volunteers
KK, Visitors to the Schools During the School Day
KK-R, Procedures for Implementing School Visitor Policy
School Board policy requires that all volunteers complete a National Criminal History Background Check.
Volunteers, as defined by Policy IICC, are “adult volunteers who consistently and routinely volunteer in the schools for educational purposes and have access to confidential student information and/or unsupervised contact with students.”
The following outlines the steps required:
- Human Resources will conduct a confidential national criminal background check.
- Upon completion of the background check, Human Resources will contact the individual to inform them of the results of the background check if something appears on the background check that was not disclosed or causes concern.
- The Human Resources Department will issue a notice to individuals who successfully complete the background check. Volunteer name badges will be available at the schools for the individual who has undergone a successful background check.
- Each building administrator will identify an individual or individuals to act as a building volunteer coordinator. The volunteer coordinator will have access to the database of volunteers who have successfully completed the background check. Badges will be located at each building and will be issued on a daily basis when volunteers check in and returned upon checking out at the building.
- It is the responsibility of school staff facilitating the volunteer activities to make sure that the volunteers have been screened prior to performing their duties. This can be done by viewing the volunteer name badge or by verifying with the Building Volunteer Coordinator that the individual is included in the list.
- Volunteers who have not completed a successful background check shall not be provided unsupervised access to students or to confidential student information.
- School administrators retain the authority to approve all school volunteers and the tasks they perform in the schools.