
Please click on this link for Athletic Information for the 2024-2025 School Year.

Athletic Information for the 2024-2025 School Year


Running Club (6th graders) will practice with cross country every day except the days cross country has a meet.  After the cross country season ends, the running club (in addition to any cross country runners that want to keep going) will meet twice per week until the end of November.  There is no running club in the spring.

The District Wellness Clinic is offering free student sports physicals.......Spring Date: January 28th, 2025

MS and HS students who qualify for a free sports physical (a student that qualifies for free and reduced lunch then qualifies for a free sports physical) can call the clinic at 608-834-6977 to schedule an appointment. Please note, this is the only date the clinic is available to provide physicals for students until the fall sports date is scheduled.

One way to get connected at Patrick Marsh is to participate in athletics! 

Sports we offer:       

  • Boys and Girls Cross Country: 7th & 8th grade (September-October)

    • 6th Grade Running Club

  • Girls Volleyball: 7th & 8th grade only   (September-October)

  • Boys and Girls Wrestling: 6th - 8th grade    (October-December, held at Token Springs Elementary)

  • Boys Basketball: 7th & 8th grade only    (October-December)

  • Girls Basketball: 6th-8th grade

    •  (January-February)

  • Boys and Girls Track & Field: 7th & 8th grade (April- May)

 All sports registration will be done through Infinite Campus (IC) using the parent portal beginning August 1. The only form turned into the office (hard copy or emailed) is the sports physical form- see below. You can sign up for any of the sports starting August 1, however our two fall sports are Girls Volleyball and Boys and Girls Cross Country which begin Wednesday, September 6, 2023 after school from 3:35 pm - 4:40 pm. 

The following information is required before students can participate:

  • Middle School Co-Curricular Participation and Sports Physical Form:  LINKED HERE

    • By signing up on infinite campus, this gives your student permission to participate and states that you and your student athlete agree to all academic and behavioral expectations and important district policies and information on concussions and sudden cardiac arrest as outlined in The Rules and Regulations Handbook for co-curriculars (also known as the Eligibility and Code of Conduct). 

The only form not completed on Infinite Campus that you need to turn into the office (or email to is a current sports physical. This gives your child medical clearance to participate. This is a requirement before any student can participate in athletics.

  • A physical dated on or after April 1, 2022, is considered “current” for the 2023-2024 school year only. Physicals dated after April 1, 2023 will be good for the 23-24 and 24-25 school years. Please note, the physical form needs to be signed, dated, and stamped by the physician. We do not accept an appointment summary or a print out from My Chart.

If your most recent physical is dated before April 1, 2022 or you have not had a physical completed, you need to schedule a physical with your doctor. This should be done quickly.  Have your doctor complete/sign the Physical Card portion of the form during your appointment before you leave.

Participation Fee

There is a $15 fee per sport. This should be paid during the sign up process on Infinite Campus. If you are eligible for a fee waiver, the participation fee is also waived; please click here for more information.

You will log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to start the process.

A small tip to make things a little more smooth...the $15 per sport fee has to be paid before options will populate in the school store IC.

To check to see what sport you have signed up for:

1.  go to the school store
2.  on the right, click on "My Accounts"
3.  go to payment history
4.  click on the search range and you should see what you have signed up for by clicking on "completed".

**Log In Issues?  If you have trouble logging in to the parent portal or do not know how to do that, please contact our tech department rep., Ms. Wendorf at 608-834-6546.  Or you are welcome to email Ms. Wendorf at:

Sports Schedules can be found on the Rschools calendar:  CLICK HERE 

Travel Permission Form:  CLICK HERE

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Brandl at


Students biking