Flyer Distribution in Schools
The Sun Prairie Area School District is committed to educational excellence and ensuring that parents stay informed about important activities and events that enhance their child's life. In an effort to improve parent and community engagement, we are now using Peachjar to send digital flyer directly to families. Peachjar is an electronic flyer communication tool and has replaced paper distribution. To view school-approved eflyers, simply click the peachjar button on your school's website. This "green" initiative will save our schools tons of paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars. On top of that, posting school flyers in this electronic backpack removes a significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff, and volunteers.
Family information is loaded directly into Peachjar and updated weekly so there is no need to sign up. If you would like to add additional family members, go to and add your name and school.
Flyers are sent home electronically on Wednesday afternoon each week.
Vendor Distribution
As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery. If you are a vendor and would like to request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all families and posted online. Paper flyers from outside organizations are not distributed in our district.
- Visit
- Register as an Enrichment / Community Organization (account type)
- Purchase credits based on how many schools you want to distribute flyers at. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.
- Upload your flyer for approval in a PDF format
- District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the District Flyer Guidelines.
- Once uploaded, go to the school's website, click on Peachjar to see all active flyers
Please note that beginning on 9/1/19, we will be sending flyers once per week on Wednesday. That means that in order for your flyer to be approved and sent on Wednesday, it has to be uploaded by the prior Tuesday.
School clubs, SCO, and Booster Clubs may post flyers at your school site free or charge.
Digital flyers will be sent directly to parents who see them as visually engaging images right on their smartphone or computer screen. Additionally, all flyers will be posted to each school's website. Families will be able to click to register their children for youth sports, enrichment programs, and community events.
By using this new system, Sun Prairie Area School District expects to eliminate the need to print roughly 924,000 sheets of paper per year; and save nearly 111 trees!
Please email Patti Lux with questions.