Resources for Immigrant Students & Families

Sun Prairie Schools are a welcoming place for all students and families, regardless of their immigration status.

Heart with Every Child, every Day

At the Sun Prairie Area School District:

We stand by all of our students, staff, and families.

The Sun Prairie Area School District celebrates and values our diverse community. We support and are inclusive of all students, staff, families, and community members of all races, ethnicities, faiths, national origins, immigration statuses, political viewpoints, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

We stand by our immigrant students and families. All are welcome and safe in our schools regardless of immigration status.

All children will be safe and loved in our schools…..Every Child, Every Day.

Important Information

Stay up to date with trusted sources of information: Centro Hispano (WebsiteFacebookInstagram) and Voces de la Frontera (Website, Facebook)

If you have an immigration-related emergency you can call or text Voces de la Frontera 24/7 hotline at: 414-465-8078.  You also may wish to contact the Dane County Immigration Affairs Office and Fabiola Hamden at 608-242-6260 or  

Know your rights (English), (Spanish)

You may also wish to develop an emergency plan for your family, for more information please visit the following Centro Hispano’s Community Resource Page

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

At the Sun Prairie Area School District: We stand by all of our students, staff, and families.

The Sun Prairie Area School District celebrates and values our diverse community. We support and are inclusive of all students, staff, families, and community members of all races, ethnicities, faiths, national origins, immigration statuses, political viewpoints, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

We stand by our immigrant students and families. All are welcome and safe in our schools regardless of immigration status.

All children will be safe and loved in our schools…..Every Child, Every Day.

En el distrito escolar del área de Sun Prairie: Apoyamos a todos nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias.

El Distrito Escolar del Área de Sun Prairie celebra y valora nuestra comunidad diversa. Apoyamos y somos inclusivos para todos los estudiantes, personal, familias y miembros de la comunidad de todas las razas, etnias, religiones, orígenes nacionales, estados migratorios, puntos de vista políticos, habilidades, orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género.

Apoyamos a nuestros estudiantes y familias inmigrantes. Todos son bienvenidos y seguros en nuestras escuelas independientemente de su estatus migratorio.

Todos los niños estarán seguros y serán amados en nuestras escuelas... Todos los niños, todos los días.