About Us

Welcome to Eastside Elementary
Home of Goldie the Eagle!

Eastside has grown since the 60’s and has had multiple generations of families attend. Today there are approximately 420 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Our Eastside families, teachers and staff provide tremendous support for the great success of our students. As a result of having high expectations, our students strive to achieve them and they do. ESCO, our family organization, also provides for our student’s education along with many fun activities.

Eastside girls forming a heart
First page of the PDF file: EastsideFactCard

Our Points of Pride

  • Our school culture is developed by teaching our 4 themes: Safe, Ownership, Respect and Responsible.
  • Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a program to invite any male figure in a student’s life to spend a full day at Eastside.
  • ESCO organizes family fun/community engagement nights including Bingo, Camp Eastside, the Harvest Dance and Celebrate Eastside.
  • ESCO supports Eastside in many ways including: Fall Fest, Goldie Gallop, Watch D.O.G.S., Yearbooks for all 5th grade students and Staff Appreciation throughout the year.
  • Student clubs: Fitness club (K - 5), Student Leadership (4th/5th), Music (4th/5th), Art (4th/5th), Math (4th/5th)
  • Eastside can always count on Families/Caregivers to volunteer whenever needed, we have tremendous Family support.
  • Staff at Eastside collaborate within and across grade levels to ensure the success of our students.