STEM Academy
The STEM Academy at Madison College
Informational meetings regarding the STEM Academy for prospective sophomore students and their families will be held in January. An informational video can be found here.
What Is the STEM Academy?
The STEM Academy is a dual enrollment program where high school students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Math (i.e., STEM) take a full-time schedule of college classes at Madison College over 11th and 12th grade. Dual enrollment means that students earn both college credits and credits toward high school graduation. Students attend Madison College full time during the day, and only attend their home high schools for extracurricular activities and events after the school day ends.
In the fall 2022 semester, Sun Prairie Area School District (SPASD) paid the cost of up to eighteen students to attend the STEM Academy, meaning those students can earn up to 60 college credits at no cost to themselves or their families.
Why Join the STEM Academy?
Students can focus on college classwork in their STEM interests and earn a large number of college credits that apply to four-year colleges and universities at no cost to them or their families. Some students will earn up to 60 credits for the Associate of Science degree, and may be able to start at a four-year college or university with enough transfer credits for junior standing. Finally, students can complete up to the first year of an applied associate degree in an applied STEM field, which they can finish in one more year at Madison College after high school.
Where Is the STEM Academy?
Incoming STEM Academy students from SPASD students will attend at the Truax Campus, 1701 Wright Street, which is near the airport in Madison.
Who Can Apply to the STEM Academy?
Tenth grade students who meet the entrance criteria can apply. Current entrance requirements are at least a 2.25 cumulative GPA, 90% attendance rate, and minimum progress toward high school graduation requirements in English, math, science, social studies, physical education, and health classes. Since Sun Prairie has a limited number of available positions, application to the program does not guarantee admission.
How Do I Join?
All completed application materials must be turned in to Student Services no later than Monday, February 24, 2025, at noon.
Who Do I Contact?
Laura Leja Robinson
College, Career & Life Readiness Coordinator
Sun Prairie East High School
Rebecca Griffin
College, Career & Life Readiness Coordinator
Sun Prairie West High School
Prairie Phoenix Academy / Sun Prairie Virtual School
Information Session
Frequently Asked Questions
- If I am not selected as a 10th grader, can I apply again in my 11th grade year?
- What is the start and end time of school?
- How do students get to and from the Truax Campus?
- What calendar does the STEM Academy follow?
- What does the daily schedule in the program look like?
- Can students still participate in extracurricular activities at their home high school?
- How many classes will students take in a day?
- My child is taking advanced math coursework. Will they have math course options to fit their current placement?
- Will students be able to continue study of a World Language?
- Are there other elective course options available (Social Sciences, Humanities, Art, etc.)?
- How do students complete their high school graduation requirements in the STEM Academy?
- Do students continue their academic and career planning (ACP) in the STEM Academy?
- What supports exist for students in the STEM Academy?
- Will STEM Academy student all be together for classes for the duration of the program?
- My child is in AVID – can s/he participate in the STEM Academy?
- My child is in PEOPLE – can s/he participate in the STEM Academy?
- Are students eligible for scholarships for additional college work after they graduate from the Early College STEM Academy?
- Will STEM Academy students still take the ACT test?
- Can students take classes at Sun Prairie High School while being a part of the STEM Academy cohort?
- Can students decide to leave the program if they do not like it?