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West Small Theater
Central Heights Theater Slide

The performing arts at Sun Prairie Schools are stronger than ever, thanks to a school district that supports artistic and cultural activities for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone. The performing arts offers audiences the opportunity to engage very directly and personally in the arts, fostering greater participation and providing an engaging means for exploring personal and societal issues through the world of the stage.

Whether you're a student, educator, parent, or community member, we look forward to seeing you at an event soon.

Performing Arts Calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Monday, January 6
School Meeting
SPCT Show Move In
CH Musical Rehearsal
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Tuesday, January 7
CH Musical Rehearsal
School Meeting
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
SPCT Show Rehearsal
Wednesday, January 8
CH Musical Rehearsal
7th Grade SP30
School Meeting
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
SPCT Show Rehearsal
Thursday, January 9
School Meeting
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
SPCT Show Rehearsal
Friday, January 10
School Event
Avid Alumni Panel Discussion
Big Fish Rehearsal
Saturday, January 11
Big Fish Move In
Sunday, January 12
Monday, January 13
Class Training
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Tuesday, January 14
School Meeting
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Wednesday, January 15
School Presentation
School Meeting
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Thursday, January 16
School Meeting
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
SPCT Show Rehearsal
Central Heights Choir Concert
set up begins at 6:00pm
Friday, January 17
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Saturday, January 18
Big Fish Kids Camp
Sunday, January 19
Monday, January 20
Big Fish Rehearsal
Tuesday, January 21
School Meeting
CH Musical Rehearsal
Big Fish Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Course Expo
Wednesday, January 22
CH Musical Rehearsal
School Meeting
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Thursday, January 23
CH Musical Rehearsal
School Meeting
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Course Expo - back up night
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
School meeting
School Meeting
CH Musical Rehearsal
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Wednesday, January 29
CH Musical Rehearsal
School Meeting
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Course Expo
Thursday, January 30
CH Musical Rehearsal
School Meeting
Murder's in the Heir Rehearsal
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1

Calendar & Category Legend:

  • Central Heights Theater Events
  • SP East PAC Events
  • SP West PAC Events
  • SP West Small Theatre Events