Parent(s)/guardian(s) may report a student absence 24 hours per day by calling our Attendance Line at 318-8000, press 1 to report a student absence. Then, please leave a short message with the following information:
- Child’s name
- Teacher’s name or grade
- Reason for absence
- Who is calling
Please DO NOT call or email your child’s teacher, as this message is not often relayed to attendance desk, which may result in you receiving a phone call.
Please call the attendance line before 9 am any morning your child will NOT be in school. If we don’t hear from you, we will contact you at home or work. We want to make sure of your child’s safe arrival.
Your child’s absence will be considered UNEXCUSED if:
- we do not receive a call from you by 9 am.
- the reason for the absence is in question. In this case, Student Services will discuss the situation with you.
- your child has a pattern of absences/tardiness. In this case, you receive a letter from Student Services.