Elementary English Language Arts

The implementation of the requirements of Wisconsin Act 20 focuses our work at the elementary level on increasing the number of our students reading on grade level by the end of third grade.  

This focus is in alignment with the mission of the Sun Prairie Area School District which states that we will “Inspire and prepare every child, every day, by providing relevant, engaging and innovative learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom.” 

If you are looking for more information about the District’s selection of instruction materials for elementary English Language Arts and modifications made to them, please visit the page below:

CKLA Modification Plan

We want children to read on grade level by the end of 3rd grade!

To ensure that children are on track to meet this goal, we have a three-step process. Parents/caregivers are informed about each of the steps in this process that apply to their child.

Building Blocks to Stronger Reading Skills: Test, Look Closer, Teach
Bloques de construcción para habilidades de lectura más sólidas: evalúa, analiza de cerca, enseña

Here are the steps:

  1. We test all students three times per year using AimswebPlus, a nationally normed screening assessment.
  2. We look closer with additional assessments for students who score below the 25th percentile to better understand what foundational skills need to be strengthened. This information is used to create a Personal Reading Plan that is customized for each student.
  3. We teach using research-based strategies to strengthen foundational reading skills and monitor progress.

Who Do I Contact with Questions?

  • If you have questions about the development of Personal Reading Plans, student assessment data, or reviewing progress, please contact your school’s school psychologist or learner strategist.
  • If you have questions about Dyslexia or special education, please contact your school’s associate principal, school psychologist, or learner strategist.


Our Plan to Address Act 20

The information below is provided to inform parents, caregivers, and the community about Sun Prairie’s plans to fulfill our mission and meet the true intent of Act 20.

Eastside Elementary, Library